Welcome to Boys Volleyball!


Welcome to our new GCCYS Boys Volleyball page. Whether you have a son playing in our league or you are a coach or coordinator looking for information about our boys volleyball youth athletics ministry, we hope that you find the information provided on this page useful.  Scroll down to find information about the current season as well as metrics from last season.

Contact Us      2024 Standings and Game Data 

Drills and Coaching Resources 

Derrick Rahe
Boys VB Commissioner

Derrick has been the GCCYS boys volleyball commissioner since the 2017 season and has held many leadership positions at St. Veronica

Rules and Conduct


To participate in the GCCYS, we expect all parents, players, coaches, and referees to abide by the rules and behave in a manner becoming to our Catholic faith.  Please take time to read the Rules document as well as our Sportsmanship document and Ten Things Parents of Athletes Should Know.


League Rules


Ten Things Parents Need to Know

Liability Waivers


In order for your child to participate in the GCCYS, ALL parents/guardians must fill out a Liability Waiver form for each of their children playing in our league once per school year.  We try to help out our coordinators by matching up waivers with roster entries so please double check the spelling of your child's last name, verify date of birth, and make sure you choose the correct organization.  Parents may begin filling out Liability Waivers for the 2024-25 school year on June 1st.

Frequently Asked Questions

The spring season is scheduled different than most as we look to avoid playing on the weekend. Most of the matches are played on Monday-Thursday evening with start times between 6pm and 8pm. Some matches will be played on Friday evenings but the league will avoid scheduling matches on Saturday and Sunday.

  • 3rd/4th grade - 6ft 6in
  • 5th/6th grade - 7ft
  • 7th/8th grade - 7ft 4 1/8in
  • Team trophies are given to 1st and 2nd place finishers in our post-season tournament. T-shirts are available for purchase for regular season and tournament champions.

    A Liability Waiver is an on-line form must be filled out by a parent or guardian for each player that wishes to participate in our league one time per school year. The purpose of the waiver is to release the league of any liability in the case of an accident or improper conduct by players, coaches, or fans.

    Each parish/school may choose to charge admission for regular season and post-season tournament games. Some choose not to charge or charge less than the league max which is $5/family, $3/adult, and $1/child.

    Parish Coordinators

    Queen of Peace Kristi Nadler Boys Volleyball Coordinator
    Sacred Heart Fairfield Katie Evers Boys Volleyball Coordinator
    St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Andrew Blomer Boys Volleyball Coordinator
    St. Andrew-St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Bree Stenger Boys Volleyball Coordinator
    St. Ann Chris Enderle Boys Volleyball Coordinator

    Season Timeline

    The timeline and notes are tentative for the 2025 season.

    • Season starts on March 10th
    • Games played on Monday-Friday
    • 6 week season
    • No games during Holy Week (week of 4/14) or Spring Break (week of 4/21)
    • Four weeks of two matches
    • Tournament May 5-9

    League Tournament


    The season-ending league tournament will take place from May 5th - 9th. We will work around parish conflicts as best as we can but there is very limited time available for this tournament to be played. All teams participate in the tournament unless they notify the league by April 11th. Schedules are published one week before the tournament begins. A team trophy is given to the 1st and 2nd in each bracket.

    Schedule by Bracket Schedule by Gym

    Parish Tournaments


    The following tournaments are sponsored by GCCYS member parishes and schools. To advertise your tournament, please submit any of the following pertinent information about your tournament: dates, director name and contact info, grades/divisions, game guarantee, costs, links to web sites. You may also attach a PDF of any forms you'd like posted (i.e. tournament flyer, registration form, rules document)

    Submit Tourney Information

    If clicking on this button does not bring up your email, then simply send an email to doug.backus@amerileagues.com with all of the pertinent information.

    Vertical Tabs

    Amerileagues Preseason Volleyball Tournament
    Basic Info
    03/15/2025 to 03/16/2025 Elite Athletic Sports Complex
    Boys 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th grades
    Registration Deadline: Wednesday, March 05, 2025
    3 game guarantee
    Tournament Info

    Amerileagues will be hosting a preseason boys and girls volleyball tournament for grades 3-8 (all skill levels) on March 15-16).  This tournament will feature teams from our league as well as the Cincinnati Premier Youth Volleyball league.

    Tournament Info

    1. 3, three set round robin matches
    2. Matches played at Elite Athletics (Eastgate)
    3. Combined brackets for 3rd/4th, 5th/6th, and 7th/8th boys unless enough teams register
    4. No championship bracket
    5. Registration opens on February 7th and is open until March 5th:  Register Here
    6. $60 registration fee per team + ref fees (total cost $105)

    Tournament Contact
    Ben Goodyear

    Tournament Web Site